OK, I’ll admit it.  I did not watch every minute of the RNC last week.  My hat is off to those who did.  I don’t expect to watch the DNC any more closely, either.  I’ll get most of the info I need from the news reports.  If there’s another Clint Eastwood moment, I know I’ll hear about it.

Even without constant viewing, I’m struck by how much the GOP’s approach resembles a bull fight.  They continually hold the economy up as the red cape, flashing it in front of our eyes while they maintain that it is the only thing that matters to voters of all stripes and that it is the only issue we’ll vote on.  I’ll grant you that the economy is a major issue and should be addressed, but it their assumption were correct, Mitt Romney would be running away with the race.

The important thing to note is that while the Republicans are bellowing “Toro, Toro,” and waving that cape, they’re holding in their other hand the sword they’ll use to eviscerate social programs, cut back women’s reproductive rights and shred any equality the LGBT community strives for.  They just need enough of us to charge that cape and cast a ballot for them.

Unlike a good matador, though, they don’t bother to keep the sword hidden.  Over and over, they move against us in all of these areas and are completely perplexed when we call them on it.  We should be looking at the cape.  They’ve told us to look at the cape.  The cape is all that matters.  Why aren’t we looking at the cape?  Pay no attention to the sharp shiny thing we’re getting ready to ram into your side.

Look, women (or Hispanics or African Americans or even LGBTs) are concerned about the economy, they say.  Why are we talking about all of these other things that are secondary?   Perhaps it’s because they keep trying to pass legislation that’s completely counter to our best interests.   As well-organized and single-minded as the Republicans usually are (see Village of the Republian-ed), you’d think they could hold off on the transvaginal probes and self-deportation legislation until after November 6.  At least then their social agenda would be theoretical and they wouldn’t have to feign shock when their actions get pounced on by the other side.

None of us are truly one-issue voters.  We’ve all got a lot of concerns, both social and economic.  We may all count the economy as number one, but that doesn’t mean it trumps everything else.  They say Mussolini made the trains run on time, but would anyone want to bring his regime back?  (BTW, I’ve since read the trains ran just as poorly under Mussolini as before.)

All right, Dems.  It’s your turn now.  Let’s see if El Toro can gore the matador this time.