I did not think I would be writing anything about Mitt Romney anymore.  Well not about Mitt and the presidency.  The election is long over.  He ran a lousy, tone-deaf race and he’s delivered his farewell slap in the face to the rest of America.  Seemed reasonable that we would all move on.

But no.  Now Mitt’s son Tagg is claiming that his old man never wanted to be president in the first place.  

Seriously?  While it would certainly explain the train wreck that was the Romney campaign, are we supposed to believe this latest turn on the sour grapes story?  “Well, I didn’t really want the dumb old presidency.  It’s a stupid job, anyway.  I heard they were gonna give it to a girl next time.”

According to Tagg, Mitt “wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life.”

Again, seriously?  I’m going to have to assume this is hyperbolic rhetoric.  Speaking as one of the millions and millions of Americans who has never wanted to be president, I have a hard time believing Tagg has never met anyone who wanted the job less than his dad.  He must come into occasional contact with non-politicos.  There are lots of us around and we’re easy to spot.  The main indicator is – wait for it – we haven’t run for president!  Simple, huh?  On the other hand, if you spend not one, not two, not three, but seven years and millions of dollars of your own money running for president, you probably want to be president.  Maybe not more than anyone else, but definitely more than most.

But wait!  There’s more.  Tagg upped the ante saying of Mitt, “If he could have found someone else to take his place . . . he would have been ecstatic to step aside.”

Ecstatic?  Really?  It must be a heavy burden to be that good.  Personally, I haven’t had a lot of experience sitting in one of my many mansions thinking, “Gosh I don’t really want to take that big pay cut to become the most powerful man in the world, but there’s just no one anywhere who could do it as well as I can. [Sigh.]  I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and save the country.”  I can imagine it must be tough, though.

Come on!  Can’t the Romneys just go quietly into that good night?  Or at least move on?  It’s been almost two months since Mitt got stomped.  It really is over.

I just saw a post on Facebook – one of those philosophical, feel good things that usually only serve to tick me off – that seems particularly appropriate here:  “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

Romneys!  Turn the page!